Artificial Intelligence

We constantly innovate and expand in the field of artificial intelligence, always pushing the boundaries of technology.

Sensor Prototyping

Our research journey in sensor prototyping deepens understanding, boosts precision, and expands real-world applicability.

Smart Industry

In Smart Industry, we focus on advanced automation and sustainable efficiency to transform manufacturing.

Biomedical Field

Innovation through our constant research: intelligent measurement of biosignals one of our most successful applications.

Our group

The Electrical and Electronic Measurement Group of Bari and Taranto, active at the Politecnico di Bari, currently has twelve staff researchers among professors and scholars.
The educational activities of the Group include teaching courses on topics such as “Automatic Test Equipment”, “Measures for automation and industrial production”, “Statistical quality control”, “Sensors and Transducers”, “Digital processing of measurement information”, “Biomedical instrumentation ” etc.

The most recent research efforts include studies in the following fields:

Modeling and characterization of electronic measuring instruments
Development of systems for the control of industrial production quality
Environmental monitoring
Medical diagnostics
Power quality measurements
Monitoring of energy production from renewable sources
Industrial automation
Prototyping of sensors

Activities in numbers

Our dedication to research and experimentation has allowed us to achieve important goals. The passion we invest in measurements has paved the way for significant accomplishments.

Of our members have collaborated with renowned research institutes
More than 125 research projects completed by our team
Over the last 2 years, we have seen a 50% increase in our group memberships
Behind the scenes

Our team in action

Be inspired by the boundless possibilities that come to life when talented individuals work together towards a common goal.


Our strength lies in the collaboration between experienced faculty and passionate students who make up the group. A blend of expertise and enthusiasm that propels us always forward.

Prof. Gregorio Andria was born in Massafra, Italy in 1956. He received the M.S. degree in…

Prof. Filippo Attivissimo received the M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D.…

Prof. Nicola Giaquinto was born in Bari, Italy, on September 1966. He completed High…


The latest research and innovative projects conducted by our group. Always with attention paid to the future and cutting-edge knowledge.

Biomedical Research

Biomedical Research

We conduct cutting-edge research in the biomedical field, our focus spans from advancing medical image processing algorithms also using…

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

In the rapidly evolving landscape of scientific research and technological innovation, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become…

Sensor Prototyping

Sensor Prototyping

Our group is specialized in the prototyping and testing of a wide range of sensors. We possess both cutting-edge…


When you can measure what you are speaking about, and can express it in numbers, you know something about it… So, therefore, if science is measurement, then without metrology there can be no science.
William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) | May 6, 1886